Homeopathy is a system of holistic medicine that has been established for over 200 years. Homeopathy does not aim to suppress your symptoms but seeks to address the underlying imbalance that caused the symptoms to arise. 

My homeopathic consultations lead to the prescription of remedies carefully selected to support your individual constitution and enhance your overall emotional and physical wellbeing.


Homeopathy works on the understanding that we all contain within us a ‘vital energy’. Our vital energy needs to be in balance in order to maintain health and well-being, when it is disrupted then health problems can develop. A carefully selected remedy can restore the vital energy and activate the body’s healing mechanisms.

 The essence of your symptoms and how you perceive them  provides the information which  leads to the prescription of a remedy accurately matching your overall picture and energy pattern.





At the initial consultation a full case history will be taken. Through specific skilled steps of inquiry we will focus on any health problems or life issues you may currently be dealing with. Gaining a detailed picture of your overall state of physical and emotional health enables me to accurately match a remedy to your individual needs. You will then be prescribed a remedy or remedies and given instructions as to how to take them. 


A carefully selected homeopathic remedy provides the stimulus needed for healing and will activate a healing process on all levels. When a remedy is matched in this way it can improve your immediate symptoms whilst also activating your body’s own defences  to overcome dis-ease and restore health and well-being.

Homeopathy is safe and effective for adults and children and can be used alongside conventional medicine.


Many issues benefit from a homeopathic approach

  • Skin problems

  • Digestive complaints

  • Joint pain

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Chronic illness

  • Exhaustion

  • Recovery after operations, shock, trauma

  • Anxiety, depression, grief

  • Homeopathy can also be used for minor ailments such as colds, bruises, toothache, sprains, indigestion.



“Working with Anna has been an amazing support!  Anna has the ability to read between the lines and sense what lies deep, enabling her to find the appropriate remedy. I had been working for a long time on what Anna is helping me with and it is the first time that I am getting results and finely able to start moving forward. I highly recommend Anna, she knows how to get to the core while holding a very nurturing, compassionate space.” 

Gwenolye Duirwoods, Glastonbury



’My Labrynthitis and dizziness has now completely gone, I almost forgot I had it as I resumed back to normal without even realizing it.’  AM, Bristol

The homeopathic remedies have been like miracle cures for my hay fever. This is the first summer I haven’t sneezed since I was seven years old. I haven’t even got itchy eyes. It’s amazing, thank you.’ 

Sarah R Yeovil


“ I don’t even remember how long ago I last needed to take anti-histamines. In fact I completely forgot about them and also forgot I had this problem with itching, it has disappeared. The skin is also much better, no more red patches. So all in all the treatment was a great success. 

PM Devon

“There has been alot of change -all for the good since our session. The homeopathic remedies have been instrumental to the change, as has your wisdom as a homeopath. Thank you!” TS, Bath