Generally Tibetan Pulsing treatments begin with an eye diagnosis which determines which energy centres are most in need of healing support. Once an appropriate energy centre has been selected for treatment the client lies down and relaxes and the practitioner connects with specific energy points on the body. A Tibetan pulser will connect with the pulse beat in these points creating an energy circuit that activates the flow of energy. The energy circuits of the body act like a transport system carrying energy via specific routes. If the energy flow is blocked we get stuck in habitual repetitive loops which do not serve us. Unresolved stress persists in the body, fuelling anxiety, guilt, anger and dis-empowering beliefs about our-self and others.
Tibetan Pulsing restores the flow in the circuitry by accessing points along pathways identified by the Tibetan pulsing system. By connecting with the pulse on these points the pulsing bodywork generates a positive bio-electrical energy flow that calms the nervous system and transforms our inner energetic state. The ‘pulse’ penetrates to a cellular level so the contracted parts of our-self can open and relax. A meditative, heart-centred approach with an aware touch facilitates trust and creates the space in which deep relaxation and healing can take place.